Conheça a Indiexpo

Iniciado por Freank, 13/04/2016 às 14:31

And we are continuing to grow up! This was a very HOT summer!
A lot of new cool indie games to play! Totally FREE!
And new game developers and streamers are now on the website!
It's incredible what this website is becoming!
We were born not too long ago just to link several communities and to share and upload our games easily and fastly.
And now every month we are adding new features, new games, new ideas! It's fantastic!

Now indiexpo has a new logo.
Modern, easy, clear and cool

Under this brand we will continue to make indiexpo great!

But, what are the latest updates? What about the future?

- At first we want to refresh the blog and help the developers, so we are going to focus on that- with a complete analysis and QA of the games recently uploaded on the website;
- we updated the indiepad app, with a new button called "Home" to go back
to the Select Area;
- improved the SEO of the Search Area;
- we supported directly several good developers that uploaded very cool games!
- we added a chart exclusive to the games uploaded recently (30 days), visible only to the developers, so they can see how their own games are going, compared with the new entries;
- we helped a few Kickstarter campaigns receive founding!

Continue to follow us also on our socials! And join on Discord to be part of this!

Recently, we tackled the 'game rating' topic  It will not be immediate, but some 'limiters' will be gradually implemented, regarding things such as how long the user's account has existed, the user's level, etc.
A ranking system is something other sites lack and therefore we aim for it to be as clear and honest as possible. These changes will require effort, but they are necessary. It will take some time and some testing, but they are in the works.

Social Network & Marketing. In the next period, we will focus our 'marketing resources' on Facebook (the best social for a Desktop audience), to promote games that belong in the 'middle tier' on indiexpo.

What updates have been made to the site?
First of all, you might have noticed new icons in the Notification area, that should make visualization more immediate.

In the homepage, we added a new mini-section, showing three random games that have recently gotten over 1000 players (still in testing stage, we're trying to see if people like it and use it).

Trending Games. By visiting the pages of games uploaded in the latest 30 days, you might have noticed 'Trending Games' written in some of them- indicating that that game is receiving a lot of attention when compared to other games uploaded in that timeframe.

Thanks to the help from the author of Knightin'+, the website has been entirely translated to Ukrainian. The translation, previously only 78% done, is now complete! And the new visits from Eastern Europe are already increasing!

Happy 2020, everyone!
Let's start right away with a nice devlog to talk about what's been recently added to the site!
Then, at the end of this devlog, we will also talk about what's coming next!
First off, let's talk about the goals we'd set ourselves last year and what came of them.

- More events like Egg Hunting -> No Egg Hunting(s), but we had more games with a leaderboard system!
- More exclusive games, FREE as always! -> DONE! And the last one for 2019 was Ultimate Reality
- Continuining to improve the Recommended Area in the Home Page (it's very important for us) -> DONE!
- More games with online functionalities -> DONE!
- Improvement of the News Area -> DONE! Now it's easier to add images and youtube videos, since a few weeks ago we improved the Markdown system!
- More comments on the latest games -> DONE! Thanks to the recommendation algorithm
- More ways to use indiepad -> DONE! With new buttons and the indiepad screen for mobile phone- read more below!

What did we add this year?

- New logo!
- Area Events & Challenges -> Added the 'Latest Champions' list
(Inspired by Reddit) Icons when clicking on the Download button if it contains an external link or file name
- When adding links to images, gifs and youtube videos in the comments and in the News Area, the website will display them automatically!
- New ANTI-SPOILER funtion in the comments (and in the news)
- Online status in User Pages
- Subscribers lists (like Instagram's)
- Indiepad: new Home button (to go back)
- Improved the Search Area's SEO
- Added a chart exclusive to recently uploaded games (less than 30 days), only visible to developers, so they can see how their games are doing, compared with new ones
- Trending Games tab
- Improved the Ukranian and Polish translation of the website, thanks to @Wolod and @Soulrender

What have we done lately?

- Indiepad on the screen when you play an indiepad game on your phone!
- In the homepage you can now see the 3 latest indie games to gain over 1000 players!
Players List (only for the games' authors), accessible by clicking on the Player Counter on your game's page!
- Rating filters. Now you can only rate a game if you already downloaded it, your account is more than 10 days old, and your level is higher than 2.

Coming soon?

- Website available in yet another language: Persian!
- "From Dev To Dev". A series of technical articles written by more experienced users by looking at more promising games. The first will be by @FrancescaDeVivo, the artist for Fantastico Studio's games
- Making the indieconsole even better
- New blog posts about a few statistics of the site, comparing 2019 to 2018

What are our goals for 2020?

- Focusing on the players
- Supporting more developers or small teams putting their games up on Kickstarter
- Making user experience on the mobile site different from the desktop site's
- Raising the site's 'gamification'

Will we be able to do all this? Keep following us and we'll find out together!


Hi guys! Few updates!
As we said previously, we are publishing on indiexpo blog, several reviews of Game Developers for (new) Indie Devs with interesting projects!
The first one was about the pixel art, made by the pixel artist of Fantastico Studio, and the second one (posted few days ago) was about an adventure game by an artist of Ars Goetia Studio.

It's also started a new Easter Egg hunt! If you will play this game, Rookie Hero, and you will be the first to find the Easter Egg, you will win 500 Gems!
Remember to stay logged.

We also improved the desktop design of the website with few details and just one bar on the left. It's added a new Share button in the game-pages to share your favourite games easily and quickly!

What have been the latest changes made to iindiexpo?

It's been mostly bugfixes, optimizations, expansions, and some small changes!

Without further ado, let's see what's changed!

- Share Button

We added a button that allows to share your game much more easily and rapidly on a lot of social networks to every game page. It even comes with a QR code to print or scan, to share with anyone around you!

- More automatic checks during uploads

More automatic checks were added when a game developer tryes to create a new game page. Many kinds of checks were added, the most important ones put in place to avoid spam. Now, if a game developer tryes to make a page with an external download link, the site will automatically check if there are other games with the same external link. Furthermore, every user will be able to create a maximum of two game pages per day.

- The navigation bar has been improved

While before there were both a vertical and an horizontal navigation bar, now it's all been included in the vertical one, which will allow you to move between different areas much more easily and rapidly.

- Added slovakian and persian support

Two new languages were added, once again thanks to the help of the indiexpo community! Adding persian is a remarkable milestone, as it makes indiexpo one of the first game hosting websites completely translated in an arabic language! We're still fixing the site architecture relative to this new language (we gotta flip everything right to left)!

- Something new everyday!

The most recent edit, instead, was adding an area to the HomePage that will change every day. One day it will show "Games that have recently gotten more than 1000 players", the next day it will show "The most recently followed games", and the day after "The most relevant games that have no comments", etc.

- More small things

New search filters in Advanced Search, new FAQ area, new User Titles depending on your level, bugs fixed regarding double notifications.

A new game has been published exclusively on indiexpo, Tony & Clyde (a low-poly adventure from a brasilian team, with a great color range and a perfect design), which was the first game featured on our latest video, the "Best of August"!

Before the end of the year we should have two other big projects done. The first regards a bug fix related to medals notifications, and the other a new functionality in the Events & Challenges area!

Here we are (again)!
Our last video to say "THANKS" to the indie developers on the website!
With the help of their games, the community of indie lovers is growing up! And we are very happy of this!
We also released new features (and others are coming) but we will talk about this in another post!
Now... the video REWIND 2020!

Hi guys! Welcome back!

During the last year the website had a great boost. The reasons were probably two. The first one was a lot of players, all around the world, locked at home that were looking for free games to play. And the second one was big influencers in China that discovered and showed indiexpo on their channels.

So we thought "don't stop me now!"... and we updated the website with new features and fixed several bugs. We introduced Verified Accounts, the Share button, improved our home page and totally changed the Subscription Area.

As you can see, now you can visit the new Subscription Area to check for updates about the games you're following. It'll be like having your own, personal news feed!

But what are we planning for this new Year?

We were the first videogame website to also think about middle eastern countries, translating the website and changing its design so that it's easier and faster to navigate - also by young developers and players from those countries. We want to continue to update and improve it during this year!

We are also going to work to create new automatic checks in order to prevent spambots and spam. The site's design will be improved, we'll add new details and animations, as well as new notifications about your progress on indiexpo!

What's more, we're also going to add a new area for developers and players, something totally new and never-before seen on websites like indiexpo! Stay tuned!

Continue to be a part of this community, watch the latest videos and follow the best game developers, all on indiexpo!

New Languages, redesign and tags!
Hi! Did you see the latest updates on indiexpo?

We never stop and recently we improved the website to be more useful for gamers and developers!

At first we translated indiexpo into two new languages: Filipino and Thai!

With the help of several users from the indiexpo's community we translated the latest words and now also the younger developers and gamers, from Thailand and Philippines, can use the website easly!

It's also redesigned two areas of indiexpo, Subscriptions and Your Games (for game developers)

Now you can see the latest news and updates of the followed games and to left a comment faster!

Another new feature is about the Comments Area of the Game Pages. Now you can tag another user when you left a comment and he/she will receive a notification about it! And added a new anti-spam system!
And there are other small features like the possibility (finally) to change your password and email in Settings Area and to see the new UI of the Level Area!

And more has coming!

Stay tuned and play indies!

It is out our new video "rewind" with the best indie games uploaded during this 2021!

Here you can find the games' list

It was not the best way to start the new year...
When things go well, no one ever thinks that it could all go wrong...

2021 had just ended, with the team on Discord, we were discussing how this year we had obtained more subscribers and views than the previous year. There were talks of new features being added, improvements being made and how they can impact the site in 2022.

Everything was going smoothly, and we did not suspect that the unexpected was just around the corner. The first days of January the site began to have problems. The server appeared unreachable, and the site is inaccessible. We start the "standard maneuvers" and after a couple of postponements, everything was back to working.

Two days pass and the site is down again. No changes had recently been applied to Indiexpo, which made it difficult to understand what was going wrong. However, this made us understand that the problem was at the server level and not at the code level.

The "standard maneuvers" didn't help this time, so we were lucky enough to have the site programmer come to the rescue. He finds a strange connection between the site and the server. He doesn't quite understand what's going on, but he finds a way to recalibrate some settings and the site is back up and running.

But after a day the site is down again, and the error seems even more serious.

Chat started to think that the site is closing. We received emails and reports of users who were unable to access the site for days. Talks on social media had everyone guessing to what was happening on the website.

We contacted the service that sold us the server. They reassured us by saying that the problem does not depend on them, and that they do not detect problems, but the site is still down. This time it cannot stay up for a few minutes without crashing, and the programmer no longer knows how to address the faults. This was seemingly impossible.

The service staff who sold us the server propose a hardware replacement. Components that should improve the performance will be presented and replaced.

We accepted and waited anxiously.

Then the news...

We are contacted again, and we are told that during the replacement of the various components, the hard drive with all the games and data appeared to be damaged.

We immediately check the backup, and we realize that it is not up to date at all and the material that we could lose would be substantial. So understandably, it resulted in the closure of the site.

The programmer explains that if the hard drive still turns, maybe we will be able to recover some files. If it does not turn, we should go to a specialized centre to try to recover the data. However, the latter option would be very expensive, risky, and extremely difficult.

It was agreed that the work would be carried out in two attempts.

The first attempt is made.

It fails...

This 12-year long work could all end. The beginning of 2022 can mark the end of a site that is now part of our daily life.

We begin to contact a specialized centre (with exorbitant costs) and we begin to think if we should start over (impossible) or change the site entirely. We were totally disoriented and helpless.

The second attempt begins.

Success! All games and data are recovered!

The site is put back online, the backup restored and enhanced.

indiexpo still lives!

Thanks guys for being close and supporting us!

We are back to stay!

Let's do it!

We didn't think the filter would work so well!

Throughout November and December we reintroduced a feature (redesigned): filters per games.

We strive to work towards site simplifications, and creating a minimalist design.

We included features to promote smoother user operations. This resulted with positive user feedback.

This is incredible!
We will continue to work and improve this function!

Other recent news:
- Fixed a bug that would send you an email notification about your comments
- added the Greek language to the site
- translated the email notifications

Good to see that the site continues, even after an uphill battle!

In 2016 I sent a game there (WebGL from Unity, it was new and limited at time), its name is A Ciência é um Mundo Colorido.

Citação de: FL online 08/03/2022 às 08:21
Good to see that the site continues, even after an uphill battle!

In 2016 I sent a game there (WebGL from Unity, it was new and limited at time), its name is A Ciência é um Mundo Colorido.

oh! Nice! We hope to see soon new games made by you!

Recently another games-platform started to mail intimidations, to paralyze our services, supposing several violations.

Luckily we found very good (senior) partners that suggested us what to do. We didn't suspended our website and those "intimidations" were retired.
This 2022 is very crazy!

But probably you are here for the updates...let's start!
Latest Updates:
- you will see your own (last) comment on top in the game-pages commented;
(so you can follow the discussion easily and fastly)
- improved the design of the pages for wide screens;
(We fixed yesterday ther last graphic-bugs, tell us if you see something strange)
- Added Greek language;
(But still not Greek games)
- Added new cards when you level up.

But the biggest update will come this summer (I hope). It needs a lot of tests but it will make the platform more competitive for players!

Continue to follow and support our social pages! We need your help!


As the end of 2022 approaches, we reflect on a year that started off with a bang but ultimately proved to be a year of transition and experimentation. Despite the challenges we faced, we were able to support several talented developers and even saw the emergence of new, amazing teams, like Red Mountain and their hit game, The Crown of Wu.

Throughout the year, our main focus was on maintaining stability and looking towards the future. And while not everything went smoothly, we learned valuable lessons and made progress towards our goals.

We are grateful to all of the amazing developers who have supported this project. Yor contributions have helped to improve the gaming experience for so many people, and we look forward to continuing to work with you as we tackle the challenges of 2023.
Here's to a new year filled with exciting gaming adventures!

03/01/2023 às 05:15 #44 Última edição: 03/01/2023 às 05:44 por Freank
Indiexpo sofreu uma queda de aproximadamente 20% no número de usuários e novos usuários em 2022 em comparação com o ano anterior. Isso significa que houve menos pessoas visitando ou se cadastrando no site em 2022 em comparação com 2021. Uma possível razão para essa queda pode ser o fato de que a pandemia de COVID-19 levou ao confinamento em muitas partes do mundo em 2021, o que pode ter resultado em mais pessoas ficando em casa e passando mais tempo online.
No entanto, apesar dessa queda, o número de sessões aumentou em 20%, com mais visitas ao site em 2022 do que no ano anterior.

Isso sugere que, apesar do número de usuários e novos usuários ter diminuído, aqueles que visitaram o site estavam retornando com mais frequência.

A duração média das sessões aumentou em 26%, o que significa que os usuários passaram mais tempo no site durante cada sessão. Isso pode ser um sinal de que os usuários acharam os jogos indie interessantes e decidiram passar mais tempo navegando no site. A taxa de rejeição, ou o percentual de usuários que visitam o site e depois saem sem visitar outros jogos, diminuiu em 11%. Isso significa que os usuários mostraram mais interesse no site e navegaram em mais jogos antes de sair.
O tráfego direto, ou o número de usuários que digitam o endereço do site diretamente no navegador, aumentou em 39%. Isso significa que houve um aumento no número de usuários que visitaram o site digitando o endereço diretamente, provavelmente porque já conheciam o site ou ouviram falar dele anteriormente. O tráfego de referência, ou o número de usuários que chegaram ao site clicando em um link em outro site, aumentou em 43%. Isso significa que houve um aumento no número de usuários que descobriram o site através de links em outros sites.

Ao analisar a localização geográfica dos jogadores do site Indiexpo, observa-se que o tráfego da China diminuiu em 28%, enquanto o tráfego da América, Índia, Alemanha e França aumentou em 12%, 53%, 112% e 15%, respectivamente. Esses dados mostram a disseminação do site para diferentes partes do mundo!

Além disso, o número de jogos online jogados aumentou em 24% em 2022 em comparação com 2021, e também os jogos baixados aumentaram em 35% em 2022!
Em termos de análise do tráfego adquirido pelo site Indiexpo, é importante mencionar as fontes de onde a maioria dos usuários vem e como essas fontes mudaram ao longo dos dois anos. Por exemplo, houve um aumento no tráfego direto e de referência, enquanto o tráfego de pesquisa orgânica e de redes sociais diminuiu. Fornecendo informações mais detalhadas e completas sobre a situação do site Indiexpo e seu desempenho ao longo do tempo, é possível obter uma compreensão melhor do progresso do site e identificar áreas potenciais de melhoria.

Falando sobre jogos específicos, podemos ver que jogos como Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA, Towerland, que foram enviados durante 2022, foram os mais jogados durante este ano. Também Il Viaggio del Saggio, um jogo Rpg Maker apenas em italiano, ganhou muitos jogadores!

No geral, os dados do site Indiexpo em 2022 mostram uma mistura de tendências positivas e negativas em comparação com o ano anterior. Enquanto houve uma queda no número de usuários e novos usuários e uma queda no tráfego de pesquisa orgânica e redes sociais, houve também aumentos no número de sessões, jogos por sessão, duração média da sessão e tráfego direto e de referência.

Ao considerar todos esses fatores e levar em conta possíveis fatores externos, como a pandemia de COVID-19, é possível obter uma imagem mais completa do desempenho do site e identificar oportunidades de crescimento e melhoria!

Original Message:
... 2022 vs 2021!

indiexpo saw approximately a 20% decrease in users and new users in 2022 compared to the previous year. This means that there were fewer people visiting or signing up for the website in 2022 compared to 2021. One possible reason for this decrease could be the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdowns in many parts of the world in 2021, which may have resulted in more people staying at home and spending more time online.
However, despite this decrease, the number of sessions increased by 20%, with more visits to the website in 2022 than in the previous year.

This suggests that even though the number of users and new users may have decreased, those who did visit the website were returning more frequently.

The average duration of sessions increased by 26%, meaning that users spent more time on the website during each session. This could be a sign that users found the indie games interesting and decided to spend more time browsing it. The bounce rate, or the percentage of users who visit the website and then leave without visiting any other games, decreased by 11%. This means that users showed more interest in the website and browsed more games before leaving.
Direct traffic, or the number of users who type the website's address directly into their browser, increased by 39%. This means that there was an increase in the number of users who visited the website by typing the address directly, likely because they already knew about the website or had heard about it previously. Referral traffic, or the number of users who reached the website by clicking on a link on another website, increased by 43%. This means that there was an increase in the number of users who discovered the website through links on other websites.

When analyzing the geographic location of indiexpo website players, it is observed that traffic from China decreased by 28%, while traffic from America, India, Germany, and France increased by 12%, 53%, 112%, and 15%, respectively. These data show the website's spread to different parts of the world!

Additionally, the number of online games played increased by 24% in 2022 compared to 2021, and also the games downloaded increased by 35% in 2022!
In terms of analyzing traffic acquired by the Indiexpo website, it is important to mention the sources from which the majority of users come and how these sources have changed over the two years. For example, there has been an increase in direct and referral traffic, while organic search and social network traffic have decreased. By providing more detailed and complete information about the indiexpo website's situation and its performance over time, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the website's progress and identify potential areas for improvement.

Talking about specific games, we can see that games like Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA, Towerland,  uploaded during the 2022, were the most played during this year. Also Il Viaggio del Saggio, a Rpg Maker game still only in italian, gained a lot of players!

Overall, the data for the indiexpo website in 2022 shows a mix of both positive and negative trends compared to the previous year. While there was a decrease in the number of users and new users and a decrease in organic search and social network traffic, there were also increases in the number of sessions, games per session, average session duration, and direct and referral traffic.

By considering all of these factors and taking into account possible external factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is possible to get a more complete picture of the website's performance and identify opportunities for growth and improvement!
